The medical consultancy is assured by two doctors in the village. At the same time, there is no pharmacy or hospital in the settlement, these are found only in Érmihályfalva, at 7 km . The nearest ambulance-service is in Margitta, at 23 km .



  - The incentive of prevention among the citizens

  - Measuring the resources of support concerning the preventing or periodical controls

  - Creating such favorable circumstances by the local administration, that contribute to the settling down of the doctors and specialists in the village (office apartment, office car, fuel reimbursement)

  - Creating a system through which can continuously assure the emergency attendance

  - Working out some medical projects (together with the local authority and the non-governmental organizations which undertake a public function), which can widen the possibility of the underprivileged persons to obtain medical attendance; organizing some informational campaigns; equipping the consulting rooms with the appropriate medical tools

  - Working out the project for the development of children, which was supported by the Dutch government in 2004-2005 within the confines of the MATRA program



  - The assurance of a permanent medical attendance

  - The assurance of a social working field

  - To make the population aware of the importance of prevention

  - Organizing some local supervisions by the family doctors and by the relief organizations

  - Raising the level of the medical services

  - The program for the integration of the underprivileged children